速報APP / 工具 / Smart Browser For Android (Fast Web Brow

Smart Browser For Android (Fast Web Brow





版本需求:Android 3.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:Floor 25, ETA Tower, The Sparks, Ha Dong, Hanoi

Smart Browser For Android (Fast Web Browser)(圖1)-速報App

Browse the website with lightning speed and maximum performance!

This is one of the most lightweight web brower apps for Android, but still has all the necessary features of a browser!

You can browse the website very fast with 2G and 3G network!


+ Browse the website with lightning speed and maximum performance.

Smart Browser For Android (Fast Web Browser)(圖2)-速報App

+ Custom browser interface according to your wishes.

+ Support for a floating button on the screen to manipulate faster.

+ Support for multiple windows open, fast switching between windows.

+ Support for fast download of music, games, movies, photos, ...

+ Support for download in the background multiple files simultaneously.

Smart Browser For Android (Fast Web Browser)(圖3)-速報App

+ Supports listening to music, watching movies, streaming online video.

+ Support copy and ultra-fast text search.

+ Manage the address book, you can add, edit, delete web addresses.

+ Save your browsing history intelligently over time.

+ Work with links, images, email, phone number.

Smart Browser For Android (Fast Web Browser)(圖4)-速報App

+ Intuitive interface, very easy to get to know and use.

Please leave your comment and review if you like this app, it will help us so much in improving and enhancing the quality of products in the next version!

Thanks you very much!

Smart Browser For Android (Fast Web Browser)(圖5)-速報App